Do you Believe the Devil Exists? Avoid Two Extremes


Infernal beings are continually trying to lead us into sin. But falling into the error of “feeling an excessive interest – or perhaps dread -” for such beings could cause us harmful disturbances. Find out why.

(13/09/2022 8:63 PM, Gaudium PressIn the preface to his work “The Screwtape Letters”,  the renowned English writer C. S. Lewis points to two errors men usually make when considering the devil: not believing in their existence, or, believing while “feeling an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”[1]  Both are falsehoods hoping to lure man away from God.

In fact, the existence of the devil is a truth of Faith, already clearly defined by the Magisterium of the Church. The infernal beings are continually trying to lead us into sin.

But falling into the other error, of “feeling an excessive interest – or perhaps dread -” for them can cause us much disruption and do harm to our souls.

As always, what is needed is a balance between these two falsehoods. Uncovering these lies helps us turn our minds to the greatest truth: God.  Thus, we should follow Benedict XVI’s advice, and always consider “that God alone is God, and therefore the one who trusts in Him should not be frightened by satanic powers.”[2]  Yes, the devil exists, but he is far less than God.

By João Paulo Bueno

[1] LEWIS, C. S. Letters from a devil to his apprentice. Transl. Gabriela Greggersen. Rio de Janeiro: Thomas Nelson Brasil, 2017, p. 15.

[2] RATZINGER, Joseph. Dios y el mundo, creer y vivir en nuestra época. Trad. Rosa Pilar Blanco. Barcelona: Victoria Malet, 2005, p. 118.

Compiled by Camille Mittermeier.

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