Do You Care Too Much About Who is Against You? Read this Ancient Life Hack


How great are the efforts you are willing to endure for the sake of your fame? Yet, would you do it for the love of God? Check this ancient life hack. 

Editorial (03/17/2024 08:51, Gaudium Press) Do not care too much about who is for you or against you; but deal and seek that God be with you in everything you do. Have a good conscience and God will defend you, for whom God helps, no evil can harm.
If you know how to be silent and suffer, you will undoubtedly see the Lord’s help. He knows the time and the way to deliver you; therefore, surrender yourself entirely to Him. It is up to God to relieve us and take us out of all confusion. Sometimes it is very useful, to better preserve humility, that others know our defects and reprimand us for them.

God reveals secrets to the humble

When people humble themselves for their defects, They easily appease others and satisfy those who are angry with them. God protects and saves the humble, loves and comforts the humble, bends to the humble, gives them abundant graces, and after humiliation raises them to great honor. To the humble, He reveals His secrets and sweetly draws and invites them to Himself. The humble, when suffering insults, maintain their peace because they trusts in God and not in the world. Do not think you have made any progress until you consider yourself inferior to everyone.

Extracted from: THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. Book 2, chap.2

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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