Due to a Single Complaint, Church Bells are Silenced


“We are obliged to follow the law”.

Newsdesk (08/06/2021 11:35, Gaudium Press) In the small village of Kenton, in Devon, England, there is a 14th century church whose bells ring to mark every quarter of an hour.

However, a new resident of the village has lodged a complaint against the ringing of the bells.

Environmental inspectors went there to measure the noise and found that the bells were ringing louder than allowed by law.

Because of this single complaint the bells will have to be silenced. The vicar of the church said, “Although some residents do not mind hearing the bells at night and find them comforting, we are obliged to follow the law”.

Kenton Parish Council chairman Chris Thompson added that while he understood that there are people who cannot sleep because of the chimes of the bell, he could not understand why they would choose to buy a house near a church, with a clock tower, knowing of the existence of the ringing bells.

How do we explain that the melodious ringing of bells is complained of and silenced, while we live daily with so many cacophonous sounds and noises in our present world?

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