Dutch Cardinal asks Pope for Encyclical Opposing Gender Theory

cardinal eijk

The request was made in meetings with Vatican officials during the Dutch bishops’ ad-limina visit to Rome.

Newsroom (15/11/2022 11:16 AM, Gaudium Press) — Cardinal Wim Eijk, the Archbishop of Utrecht in The Netherlands, has asked for a papal encyclical warning against gender theory. The request was made in meetings with Vatican officials during the Dutch bishops’ ad-limina visit to Rome.

“I have asked if it would not be good for the pope to issue an encyclical on gender thinking”, the cardinal said Wednesday evening at a press conference in Rome, Dutch newspapers Nederlands Dagblad and Katholiek Nieuwsblad report.

Gender theory is being pushed in all kinds of organizations and we as a Church have not said that much about it,” Eijk said.

According to the cardinal, there is a need for an encyclical, an important papal document in which the teachings of the Church are explained and, if necessary, further developed.

The Dutch cardinal, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, has made similar statements in previous interviews. This latest request for a papal encyclical was officially lodged with Cardinal Kevin Farell, the prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life.

The Dutch bishops met with pope Francis last week.

– Raju Hasmukh with files from Crux Now

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