England: Large Number of Adult Baptisms This Easter


At the next Easter Vigil celebration, 450 people from the Archdiocese of Southwark in the UK will be welcomed and will be in full communion with the Catholic Church.

Newsroom (10/03/2024 20:38, Gaudium Press) An interesting phenomenon is happening in some parts of the world, where faith faces challenges, but also where miracles of grace occur.

Recently, Gaudium Press reported that 266 people applied for the rite of election in the Archdiocese of Sydney, and Archbishop Fisher in his sermon expressed the joy of those who will receive baptism and be in full communion with the Church next Easter.

Now comes the news that at the next Easter Vigil, 450 people in the Archdiocese of Southwark in the UK will follow suit, marking the highest number of conversions in a decade. They are adults, catechumens, or people whose baptism in another Christian denomination is recognized as valid, but who will now enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
Some of these new members of the Church are well-known to the public, such as Tammy, the wife of renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson, who is also a podcaster and lawyer.

“Things have changed for me since I started praying the Rosary,” she said.

She survived a rare kidney cancer, with doctors saying there was little chance of survival. While she was in the hospital, a friend gave her a rosary blessed by the Pope and prayed all the mysteries of the Rosary with her.

Her husband, psychologist Peterson, explains that he can summarize her conversion process to the Catholic faith as a “discovery of the identity between Christ and Truth” through the Rosary.

He commented that, as far as he knows, she is the only person to have survived this type of cancer.

Compiled by Dominic Joseph

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