England: the tragedy of increased abortion and decreased marriage rates


New government statistics show alarming numbers.

Newsroom (August 12, 2021 12:35 PM Gaudium Press) Unfortunately, in these times in which we live, moral values no longer exist. The family is on the verge of disappearing as research in England and Wales shows.

In 2019, a quarter of pregnancies (25%) among women of all age groups will end in abortion. This is the highest percentage since records began.

According to Right to Life UK spokesperson Catherine Robinson, this “is a tragedy, and every abortion represents a failure of our society to protect the lives of babies and offer full support to pregnant women. This statistic will be even higher by 2020 due to the DIY (do-it-yourself) home abortion scheme that has facilitated a number of illegal abortions, putting many women at risk.” And she made an appeal to the government, “Put an end to this home abortion scheme immediately.

Marriage numbers decline

The number of couples marrying in England and Wales who opt for a religious ceremony was the lowest on record: only a fifth (about 21.1%).

According to Office for National Statistics (ONS) statistics, in 1900, religious ceremonies accounted for 84.7% of all marriages; by 1980, it had fallen to 50.4%. Since 1992, civil marriages have increasingly outnumbered religious marriages.

Commenting on these figures, Harry Benson of the Marriage Foundation said the decline was “heartbreaking” and that the government “should be ashamed of this national scandal and make reversing this trend a national priority.”

With information christiantoday.com

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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