Exhibition in Rome celebrates 70 years of priesthood of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

It is the first time that some personal objects of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI leave his house to be exhibited and admired by all.

Newsdesk (June 29, 2021 17:11, Gaudium Press) On the 70th anniversary of the priestly ordination of Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, an exhibition of objects belonging to the pontiff and photos telling his story has been inaugurated in Rome.

Benedict XVI’s secretary inaugurated the exhibition

The exhibition, promoted by the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Foundation of the Vatican, the Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences, and the Museum of the Popes, was inaugurated by the Prefect of the Papal Household and Benedict XVI’s secretary, Archbishop Georg Ganswein.

According to Archbishop Ganswein, although the exhibition is small, it is very appropriate for the time and the occasion, Ratzinger’s 70 years of priesthood. “They are pieces of his life, but they have become pieces of his heart,” he commented.

Objects belonging to Benedict XVI are exhibited for the first time

It is the first time that some personal objects of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI have left his home to be exhibited and admired by all. Among these objects is the last papal cassock worn by the Pontiff in February 2013, the chalice with which he celebrated the first anniversary of his resignation, and other items such as a photograph signed by the two Popes, Francis and Benedict XVI.

Upon learning of the initiative, Benedict XVI expressed surprise and joy. “He was very pleased because being a priest for him is the most important thing in his life. He lived to be a priest and lived as a priest. The most important thing in his whole life is the priesthood, and this is a moment of thanksgiving for all that he has received from the Lord,” said the secretary.

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The exhibition will be open to the public until December 22

Entitled ‘Cooperatores Veritatis,’ the exhibition takes place at the Galleria Arte Poli in Rome, a few steps away from the Vatican, and its curator is Ivan Marsura. It will be on display until December 22.

A private celebration with Benedict XVI also took place. Former Domspatzen from Regensburg, now grown men, who sang in the Regensburg choir when his brother was a teacher, were present. They sang a Mass by a German composer, greatly pleasing the heart of the Pope Emeritus. (EPC)

Compiled by Ena Alfaro

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