Facing the Humanitarian Disaster in Ukraine: The Example of Women Religious


In more than 1,000 convents in Ukraine and Poland, help and accommodation is provided to children and families.  

Newsroom (17/03/2022 06:05 PM, Gaudium Press) The maternal Heart of the Church is turned towards Ukraine.

Indeed, the tragedy in that country has already reached apocalyptic proportions: thousands of deaths, millions of refugees, and a devastation with no foreseeable end. Christian charity, from all over the world, is turned on all this pain.

Infocatolica reports that, according to a statement by the Council of Major Superiors of the Congregations of Religious in Poland, in 924 convents in Poland and 98 in Ukraine, religious women are providing spiritual, psychological, medical, and material assistance to the victims of the war in Ukraine.

Accommodations have been arranged in 498 convents in Poland and 76 in Ukraine. In these, 3,060 children, 2,420 families, and almost 3,000 adults have received accommodation. In 64 institutions, there are 600 places for orphans, and in 420 institutions, there are 3,000 places for mothers with children.

Of course, the tragedy is of flood proportions, and the Church’s help is insufficient. But the example of the Church encourages everyone in civil society to make their generous contribution.

The sisters also provide essential help in collecting, preparing and offering food for the refugees. They also seek to insert these people into the labor market, act as translators, organize classes for children and adolescents.

Women religious are also at the forefront of collecting items to send to Ukraine. Currently, there are more than 332 Polish nuns in Ukraine, paying for love of Christ, what we would call a beautiful blood tax.

With information and photos from Infocatolica

Compiled by Teresa Joseph

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