Fatima Welcomes Pilgrimage of the Hearing Impaired


Seventh pilgrimage of those who are hearing impaired travels to the place of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima.

Newsroom (September 13, 2021, 10:45 PM, Gaudium Press) The seventh Pilgrimage of those suffering from hearing loss took place yesterday. The Pilgrimage was organized by the Shrine of Fatima together with the Group of Portuguese Sign Language interpreters of the Shrine.

The program began in the Chapel of the Apparitions with a special greeting to Our Lady, the central image of the pilgrimage. Then the pilgrims were invited to visit the temporary exhibition “Faces of Fatima”.

The museum planned a specific itinerary for this group of pilgrims. The visit included interpreters from the shrine itself who explained important points of the exhibition to the pilgrims.

A Mass was celebrated with sign language interpretation in Portuguese. An exhortation to the faithful and the second reading were also in sign language. The program also included a catechesis where the stained glass windows by João de Souza Araújo in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima were explained.

Fatima: Special care for the deaf

The Shrine’s concern for the hearing-impaired faithful is long-standing. In 2013 the Shrine began offering Sign Interpretation in some Masses. In 2015 the first pilgrimage for the hearing impaired took place.

Also in 2017, during Pope Francis’ visit, all celebrations presided over by the pontiff were interpreted with sign language. In 2019, one of the mysteries of the rosary was recited alternately by a deaf child and a speaking child. (FM)

With information from Ecclesia.pt

Compiled by Sarah Gangl

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