FBI Investigates Acts of Vandalism Against Churches and Pregnancy Centers in The US


FBI investigates threats and attacks by pro-abortion activists against churches and medical pregnancy centers, in the United States

Newsroom (06/21/2022 22:21 PM, Gaudium Press) The US FBI police are investigating recent vandalism attacks committed against pro-life pregnancy centers, churches and religious temples, in the United States.

The attacks are being investigated as acts of extreme violence. In an official statement last Friday, the FBI said it is investigating all serious threats and is working closely with the necessary collaborators to protect the country’s communities.

Increase in violence in the face of abortion law repeal

Following the announcement that the law authorizing abortion, Roe w Wade, in the United States would be overturned, radical pro-abortion activists have begun to threaten and attack medical centers for pregnant women’s care as well as churches and other religious temples.

Last week, an extremist group promised an increase in violent acts for the coming days. The group Jane’s Revenge, blames itself for setting fire to a pregnancy center in Wisconsin.

The group appears to have links to incidents in other US states, such as New York, Caroline du Nord, Washington, Wisconsin, Ohio, Maryland, Columbia, and Iowa.

In an open letter written by the extremist group, the text describes how “easy and funny” to carry out the attacks. In addition, the group threatened pregnancy medical centers that do not shut down their activities. (FM)

Compiled by Teresa Joseph

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