Fervent Prayers of the Faithful Elicit Liquefaction of Blood of St. Januarius

naples cathedral

The reliquary containing the dried blood of St. Januarius was taken from a safe and placed on the altar of the Cathedral of Naples on the morning of Thursday, 16 December. To the dismay and chagrin of the expectant and hopeful faithful present there, the blood did not liquefy.

Newsroom (16 December, 2021, 10:30 PM, Gaudium Press)Three times a year, in the city of Naples, Italy, an extraordinary and reoccurring miracle takes place. It is the liquefaction of the dried blood of the great St. Januarius: bishop, martyr, and Patron Saint of Naples. The miracle has taken place since at least the year 1389, the first date the phenomenon was recorded.

The blood of the Saint is contained in a round glass ampoule. When the miracle occurs, the mass of reddish dried blood, which normally adheres to one side of the ampoule, completely liquifies, covering the whole of the glass. When the miracle occurs, the solid mass turns a deep red and begins to bubble.

Then, exclaiming, “The miracle has happened!” the faithful approach the priest who is holding the reliquary, in order to kiss the relic and who then sing the “Te Deum” in thanksgiving.

St. Januarius’ blood typically liquifies three times a year: on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May, in commemoration of the transfer of his remains to Naples in 1497; on 19 September, his liturgical Feast Day; and on 16 December, the anniversary of the eruption of nearby Mount Vesuvius in 1631 when his intercession was invoked and the city was spared  the devastating effects of the eruption.

This year, on 16 December, the Abbot of the Cathedral’s Chapel of St. Januarius, Monsignor Vincenzo De Gregorio, opened the safe containing the Saint’s relic at around 9:00 a.m. and the blood was completely solid. The reliquary was placed on the altar at the end of the Mass and remained there all day in anticipation of the miracle of liquefaction to be repeated.

The faithful remained present, expectant, and in prayer, hoping to witness the miracle. For the duration of the Mass and throughout the morning, the blood of the Saint had not liquified, and so the faithful steadfastly continued to pray for the miracle.

At 17:59 local time, their prayers were answered with the miraculous liquefaction of the blood of St. Januarius!

Is this not evidence that Our Lord hears our prayers, that He will respond to our faithfulness, our confidence, our perseverance, our hope? Let us follow the example of the faithful people of Naples, who persevered in their prayers and repentance, until they received the miraculous blessing they so desired.

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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