Five Phrases of St. Monica That will Boost your Trust in God

Five Phrases of St. Monica That will Boost your Trust in God

Canonized by Pope Alexander III, Saint Monica was declared the Patroness of the Associations of Christian Mothers, and is an example for all mothers who always seek the good of their children.

Newsroom (06/09/2022 12:35 PM, Gaudium PressBorn in the African city of Tagaste in the year 332, St. Monica was an exemplary wife who prayed much for the conversion of her pagan husband and her eldest son Augustine, who had been living in vice and sin.

The holy and fervent mother prayed innumerable prayers asking God to intercede in a special way for Augustine. She spent 33 years hoping to see the conversion and baptism of her son.

After much insistence and perseverance, God granted the request of this holy mother. Augustine converted to Catholicism and became a bishop. Before she died, she told her son that the only thing that made her wish to live was the desire to see her son a Christian.

Canonized by Pope Alexander III, Saint Monica was declared the Patroness of the Associations of Christian Mothers, and is an example for all mothers who always seek the good of their children.

Five Phrases of St. Monica

01 – “I cried to the Lord in my distress and He answered me”.

02 – “There is no place that is far from God”.

03 – “Only one thing made me want to live a little longer, to see you a Christian before I die”.

04 – “Each day is a coin that God gives us to buy his Glory”.

05 – (Advice given by a bishop to Saint Monica) “Keep praying, for it is impossible for a child of so many tears to be lost.” 

Prayer to St. Monica for the salvation of a child

O Saint Monica, who through prayer and tears obtained from God the conversion of your wayward son, then saint, Saint Augustine, look upon my bitter heart for the behavior of my disobedient, rebellious and nonconformist son/daughter, which has caused so much trouble to my heart and to the whole family. May your prayers join with mine to move the good God, so that He may make my child come to his/her senses and return to the right path. Saint Monica, make the Father in Heaven call the prodigal son back to his father’s house. Give me this joy and I will always be grateful. Saint Augustine, pray for us. Saint Monica, hear me. Amen. (EPC)

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