France: a touching note to the Child Jesus, found 82 years later

letter Mazamet in the Tarn

What did ever happen to the little boy who wrote this letter? It was found on a piece of furniture addressed to Jesus… in 1939!

Photo: famille chrétienne

Newsdesk (July 22, 2021 10:37 AM, Gaudium Press) – On December 17, 1939, in Mazamet in the Tarn, France, little Pierre wrote: “Dear baby Jesus, to prepare me for my first communion, I ask you not to bring me toys this year. I want to make this sacrifice to thank you and to ask you to take care of Papa, and to end the war soon so that he will no longer be forced to go far away, where there is fighting.”

A local family -82 years later! -found the letter hidden in an old piece of furniture.

Thrilled by the finding, Laura, whose parents own the house, posted a message on Facebook searching for Pierre and return the letter to him:

“We found a small treasure that was hidden in an old piece of furniture in the house. We would like to find the owner or a member of his family to give them this very touching note.”

She only knew the date, place and the first names of the author and his brother Joseph. Her post was shared more than 7,000 times.

Hidden on a table

It all happened when Laura lost an object. To find it, she went through all the furniture in the room. While going through her bedside table, she discovered a hiding place containing the mysterious letter.

Moved by the finding, Laura’s family set out to find the author. They began by asking the former owner of the place, inquiring about the possible owners of the old furniture. Next, they sought information from the diocese and the town school, but without avail. Meanwhile, hundreds of people responded to Laura’s message on Facebook, touched by the tenderness of the letter.

After a few days, they found Pierre’s daughter. Indeed, her father was 7 years old when he wrote this letter. Now an elderly man, Pierre still lives in Mazamet in the Tarn. But his memory has fainted.

Later, they found documents and files confirming him as the author of the letter. Indeed, the dates of his communion and confirmation match.

‘Jesus, I await You!’

Back in the day, children were given a careful preparation for the solemn and blessed day when they could receive Jesus for the first time. Pierre describes it very well in his short note to the Child Jesus:

“When You are in my little heart, I would like you to tell me a tiny secret that I want to know right away; Little Jesus, I await You! Bless all those I love…”

With information from famille chretienne .

The post A moving letter to little Jesus written 82 years ago appeared first on Gaudium Press.

Where is that little boy who wrote a letter, found at the bottom of a cabinet, addressed to Jesus in 1939? Redaction (21/07/2021 17:40, Gaudium Press) On December 17, 1939, in Mazamet in the Tarn, Pierre wrote: “Dear little Jesus, to prepare me for my first communion, I ask you not to bring me toys this year, I want… View article
The post A moving letter to little Jesus written 82 years ago appeared first on Gaudium Press.Read MoreWorld, 7-year-old boy letter to Jesus, Importance of First CommunionGaudium Press

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