Francis: “This is not Merely a Military Operation, But a War”


Francis made a new appeal for peace in Ukraine. The Pope evoked the growing number of victims and refugees and the need for humanitarian aid and an immediate ceasefire.

Newsroom (06/03/2022 5:27 PM, Gaudium Press) After today’s Angelus, the Pope made a strong appeal: “I implore that the armed attacks cease and that negotiation – and common sense – prevail. And that international law be respected once again!

Francis began his speech in a sad tone by stating that “Rivers of blood and tears are flowing in Ukraine. It is not merely a military operation, but a war, which sows death, destruction and misery.”

Francis added that the number of victims and refugees, especially women with their children, is nothing but increasing.

Therefore, the Pope warned that an intervention of humanitarian aid is increasingly necessary for Ukrainian territory. He requested the creation of humanitarian corridors through the conflict zones. 

Thanks to those welcoming refugees and journalists

In his speech, Francis thanked several people. He first thanked all those who welcome war refugees.

He also thanked journalists, who “put their lives at risk to provide information. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for this service! A service that allows us to be close to the tragedy of that population and enables us to assess the cruelty of a war.,” he said.

During his speech, the Pope acknowledged the Ukrainian flags present among the crowd in St. Peter’s Square and prayed a Hail Mary to “Our Lady Queen of Ukraine.”

Cardinals Krajewski and Czerny

Before closing, Francis declared that “the Holy See is ready to do everything, to put itself at the service of this peace. In these days, two Cardinals went to Ukraine, to serve the people, to help. Cardinal Krajewski, the Almoner, to bring aid to the needy, and Cardinal Czerny, interim Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. The presence of the two Cardinals there is the presence not only of the Pope, but of all the Christian people who want to get closer and say: ‘War is madness! Stop, please! Look at this cruelty!'”.

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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