French Priest Receives Sanction from Diocese for ‘Controversial’ Anti-Abortion Speech


A French priest was sanctioned by the diocese after he gave a ‘ ‘controversial’ homily stating that abortion killed more people than the Great War.

Redaction (11/28/2022 09:00 AM, Gaudium Press) A priest of the French diocese of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges has been sanctioned after he gave a homily deemed ‘controversial’ because he compared the number of abortions to the death toll of the Great War.

“Abortion killed more people in the world than the Great War,” was the affirmation of Father François Schneider, during Mass in the commune of Bertrimoutier, on the occasion of November 11, feast of the armistice that ended the First World War.

Afterwards, the priest allegedly said that French politicians should take the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, as an example in the fight against abortion.

Communiqué and sanction from the Diocese

The diocese took notice of the priest’s statements and issued a statement. “After listening to Fr. Schneider, we condemn the instrumentalization of the commemoration of the dead of the First World War for the benefit of other ethical and political issues,” the diocese points out.

In addition, the diocese of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges declared a sanction against the priest: “Given the background of November 2015, we ask Father François Schneider to refrain, for four weeks, from any public speech at the celebrations in which he participates.” The time devoted to homilies at Father Schneider’s Masses will be used for the reading of a biblical text, the diocese explained.

Another statement that made ‘controversy’

The antecedent from November 2015, to which the diocese’s statement refers, was a statement by the priest regarding the terrorist attack that took place in Paris at the Bataclan nightclub.

At that time, the priest reportedly claimed that the music being played at the time of the attack was dedicated to Satan. This controversial statement tried to minimize the bloodiest attack in France: 131 people were killed by terrorists.

French deputies will consider on November 24 a new text that aims to introduce the right to abortion in the French constitution. (FM)

Compiled by Angelica Vecchiato

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