Gaza Strip: 30 Christians Have Died In The Conflict Between Israel and Hamas


According to a report by the Pontifical Foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), 30 Christians have lost their lives since the beginning of the conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas

Newsroom (19/02/2024 14:23, Gaudium Press) Nineteen Christians have been direct victims of military violence and another eleven have succumbed due to penury and lack of medical care. Among the victims are the 17 people who were killed in a bombing of the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Porphyrios in October 2023. Two other women, a mother and daughter, were shot by Israeli snipers as they left the Holy Family Catholic Parish.

However, direct violence was not the only cause of death. The humanitarian crisis contributes to the lack of basic food, hygiene and health resources. The lack of electricity and fuel makes it impossible for medical facilities to function, depriving patients of essential treatment. This is how Hani Abu Daud, a Catholic, died. He needed frequent hemodialysis sessions, but with the electricity cuts and the lack of fuel for the hospital generators, his treatment became impossible and he ended up dying. Other Christians have suffered the same tragic fate for lack of adequate treatment for their illnesses.

Despite the difficult situation in Gaza, a priest and seven nuns continue to help Catholics taking refuge in the Holy Family Parish. The church used to house 700 people, but several of them with dual nationality sought refuge in other countries, while other Christians unfortunately died during the conflict. The church is currently home to 560 people, including Catholics and Orthodox.

George Akroush, director of the Project Development Office of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, explained the situation to Aid to the Church in Need. According to him, the lack of electricity prevents water pumps from working, forcing residents to draw water manually from wells.

The exorbitant price of fuel is another serious problem. Around 20 liters of diesel cost R$1060 and provide only two hours of power for the generators. With the Israeli army in full control of the northern Gaza Strip, Christians can move around, but they must act with extreme caution, as any suspicious movement could be fatal. For Akroush, the destruction of 62% of homes in the Gaza Strip raises serious concerns about the future of the region and of Christians in Palestine.

The Aid to the Church in Need Foundation has been instrumental in supporting the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, providing food, medical and financial assistance to alleviate in some way the suffering of the Christian community in Gaza. (FM)

With information from ACN.

Compiled by Teresa Joseph

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