History of Our Lady of Confidence


Today, February 24, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Confidence.

Newsroom (February 25, 2022, 11:40 AM, Gaudium Press) This devotion, which originated nearly three centuries ago in Italy, is linked to the venerable Sister Clara Isabella Fornari, a Clarisse nun who died in 1744. The nun, who was Abbess of the monastery in the city of Todi, was blessed with numerous mystical graces from God. One of the main ones was that of receiving in her members the stigmata of the Passion.

The copy became more famous than the original

Her devotion to the Mother of God meant that she always carried with her a miraculous painting depicting the Child Jesus in the arms of his Blessed Mother. Countless graces and healings were attributed to this painting. Because of this fame, copies of the painting began to circulate in Italy in the 18th century, and thus began the devotion to Our Lady under the title of “Madonna della Fiducia” (Mother of Trust).

One of the copies, which eventually became more famous than the original, was taken to the Major Seminary in Rome, considered the world’s leading seminary, where she became the patroness. Every year the Popes venerate her on the feast of Our Lady of Confidence, celebrated on February 24.

Episodes that prove the protection of Our Lady of Confidence

Two episodes showed seminarians that they could turn to Our Lady of Confidence and count on her help in the worst situations. The first occurred in 1837 when the Eternal City was ravaged by a cholera epidemic and the seminary was miraculously spared.

Another occurred during the First World War when about one hundred seminarians were sent to the front. Placing themselves under the special protection of the Madonna della Fiducia, they all returned alive. In gratitude, they enthroned the venerable picture in a new marble and silver chapel.

Message about the Madonna della Fiducia’s painting

This famous painting arrived at the Roman Seminary accompanied by an ancient parchment with the following message from Sister Clare Elizabeth: “The divine Lady has deigned to grant me that every soul that presents itself before this painting with confidence, will experience true contrition for its sins, with true sorrow and repentance, and will obtain from her most divine Son the general pardon of all sins. Moreover, this divine Lady of mine, with the love of a true Mother, has been pleased to assure me that every soul that contemplates this image of hers will be granted a particular tenderness and devotion towards her.

Prayer to Our Lady of Confidence

My Mother, unite me more and more to You and unite You more and more to me. I thank You for the grace of trust, but I ask You to make it more and more intense in the face of every weakness that I feel. Our Lady of Trust, give me strength!

I ask Thee, O Mother, that Thy maternal blessings from heaven descend upon Thy children, smoothly and victoriously crossing over thick layers of pollution and sin.

Like the disciples of Emmaus to the Divine Redeemer, we ask that these blessings stay with us because it is night over the world.

In every moment, in every anguish, in every need, may they help us to maintain the most complete and filial confidence in You. Our Lady, pray for us. Amen!

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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