Holy See releases the Calendar of Pontifical Celebrations for March


Pope Francis will begin the month by celebrating Ash Wednesday and presiding over an Ordinary Public Consistory for the voting of some Causes of Canonization.

Newsroom – Vatican City (February 14, 2022, 8:00 PM, Gaudium Press) On Monday morning, February 14, the Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations, Monsignor Diego Ravelli, released the Calendar of Celebrations that will be presided over by Pope Francis during the month of March.

Ash Wednesday

The first official celebration of the Holy Father this month will be Ash Wednesday, on the 2nd, in the Church of Saint Anselm at 4:30 pm, when he will preside over the Statio and the penitential procession. At 5 pm, the Pontiff will preside over the Holy Mass, blessing and imposition of Ashes at the Basilica of Santa Sabina.

“Statio” is a Latin term that recalls the image of the sentinel who watches over the military camp. Through this image an essential passage of Lent is represented: the attitude of keeping watch as sentinels, but armed with prayer, to perform works of penance, charity and fasting.

Ordinary Public Consistory and Celebration of Penance

On March 4, in the Consistory Hall, at 10:30 am, Francis will preside over the Ordinary Public Consistory for the voting of some Causes of Canonization.

On March 25, the Pope will preside over the Celebration of Penance at 5 pm in St. Peter’s Basilica. This is a celebration that usually marks the “24 hours for the Lord” initiative, promoted by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization every year during the Lenten season. (EPC)

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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