How a Disney movie Inspired a French Children’s Bible Series


From a wedding invitation to conversion; from a Disney movie to a collection of Catholic books for children, Céline Gauthier follows her mission with “Zoom on the Bible”

Newsroom (16/11/2021 11:00, Gaudium Press)

One day the daughter of Frenchwoman Céline Gauthier came home humming the music from a Disney movie, “The Ice Queen”.

The fact might seem trivial to both mother and daughter, but Céline was struck by the fact.

The little girl had not yet seen the movie, but she already knew the chorus of the song. And Céline thought, “why do my children know cartoons, legends, and Greek mythology better than the stories in the Bible?”

A French Bible for Children

Soon, the devoted mother looked for works that talked about the Bible so she could read to her children before bedtime, but could not find any…

It was then that Céline, who had always worked in finance, began the mission to “translate” the Sacred Scriptures into the understanding of children between the ages of 4 and 9.

A lot of Study and Dedication behind the Books

The success of her works lies in the way she makes the Bible accessible to everyone. After writing Céline reads the work to Catholic and non-Catholic mothers.

To stay as faithful as possible to the biblical text, Céline studied treatises on the Scriptures and exegetes. Her main goal is to create a work of interaction between adults and children around the Sacred History.

Between Caring for Children and Writing Books

Today, Céline divides her day between writing, editing, marketing, and distributing her book collection in the mornings, and afternoons she takes care of her children.

At the age of 40 and with three children, Céline is already on the fourth volume, “La tour de Babel” of her collection for children: “Zoom Sur La Bible.”

Marriage and the Beginning of Conversion

Although she was baptized and made her first communion at the age of 12, Céline grew up completely removed from religion.

She recalls that her conversion began when she was 25 years old. She and her future husband were invited to the Catholic wedding of some friends.

She says that during the celebration she was seized by admiration and exclaimed, “There is a kind of beauty in Christian marriage, which is something I have never been told about.”

Very determined and practical, Céline enrolled in a theology course and says that her first steps in religion were a constant dialogue between reason and heart. (FM)

Compiled by Camille Mittermeier

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