Francis explained his wish: he would like to have a donkey, an ox, and a manger containing an image of the Child-God, and place it in a cave near the town. This simple representation was to be the centerpiece of the Christmas celebrations that year. The first Christmas crib in history was born!
Newsroom (24/12/2022 18:00, Gaudium Press) “We have arrived at last…” was the sigh of relief that Friar Angelo expressed when he saw the portico of the city approaching.
It was 1223, the year in which the rules of the newborn Franciscan order were defined. After the end of the General Chapter, which took place in Rome, St. Francis of Assisi decided to spend Christmas in Greccio, a small town in the Italian countryside.
Accompanied by Brother Angelo, the Saint set out on his journey as soon as his duties permitted. The difficult road to the town was far from being as comfortable as it is today; the rough road was bordered by rough and difficult vegetation and the poor monks were not carried in a comfortable carriage, but instead in their poor pairs of sandals.
The effort of the journey, however, was not in vain. The news of the coming of these men made the town bubble over with joy. Entering the village, they were welcomed into the first house they found. After they had settled in, St. Francis and Friar Angelo had a long talk with the people there about the approaching Christmas.
The feast of the birth of the Child Jesus set the whole town in motion, and that year it would be even more solemn, since the Poverello – the Little Poor Man of Assisi – would be present.
An unusual desire
At a certain point in the conversation, the Saint asked for João Velita, a Third Order Franciscan, who some years earlier had donated land for the construction of the first monastery of the order. Alerted, the good man came straight away. After an exchange of greetings, Francis explained his desire: he would like to receive a donkey, an ox and a manger containing an image of the Christ-child, and to place everything in a cave near the town. This simple representation was to be the centerpiece of the Christmas celebrations that year. The first representation in history of the crib of the Christ Child was born!
Such an initiative, seeming perhaps strange to some, would be of great benefit to souls. And this became manifest on the evening of 24 December, when the whole of Greccio followed the Poverello to the cave where Christmas Mass was to be celebrated.
From Greccio to … Bethlehem!
Christmas joy dominated the atmosphere on that splendid night in 1223. The Mass began with beautiful hymns to the Child Jesus. When the hour of the Gospel came, Francis, who was a deacon, went to the pulpit. During the proclamation of the Holy Gospel, something extraordinary happened. Velita, who had prepared everything for Mass, gazed ecstatically at the Child in the manger. What a miracle! The clay image had given way to the Child Jesus himself, smiling at Francis!
At the end of the Gospel, St. Francis preached a long sermon addressed to the Child Jesus; then he knelt by the manger and took Him in his arms. Jesus actually looked at him and caressed his face!
After the solemn blessing, everyone, filled with a unique joy, went home, showered with the grace of that unique Christmas that the Saint of Assisi had given them.
This Christmas of 2022, let us prepare to receive the Child Jesus, Who will surely be present with each one of us. And may He find, around the thousands of cribs set up all over the world, the warmth of sincere piety and ardent love.
By Marcos Vinicius
Compiled by Sandra Chisholm