Ignatian Family will gather to celebrate the conversion of St Ignatius


The Ignatian year, which began on 20 May, is still in progress and a great gathering of the Ignatian family will take place between 30 October and 1 November

France – Marseille (27/10/2021 16:15, Gaudium Press) In 2019, Father Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Jesuits, had announced for the years 2021-2022 the “Ignatian Year”.

Next weekend, from October 30 to November 1, Solemnity of All Saints, the Ignatian family of France, Belgium and Luxembourg, will gather in Marseille, a city in southern France, to celebrate the Ignatian year.

With the theme “With Ignatius, into deeper waters”, the event will bring together Jesuits, congregations and communities inspired by Saint Ignatius, schools, charitable and social institutions based on the same charism.

All are invited to participate in this moment of sharing and discover new facets of the spiritual family of Saint Ignatius.

Two great dates for the Jesuits

The “Ignatian year”, which began last May 20 and will last until July 31, 2022, celebrates two important dates in the history of the Church and especially in the history of the Jesuits, one of the most famous religious orders in history.

The first date is the 500th anniversary of the conversion of St Ignatius of Loyola. During the siege of the city of Pamplona, on 20 May 1521, Ignatius of Loyola was struck by a bullet. During his convalescence, a reading of the life of Christ and of the saints led the Spanish knight to a profound conversion.

The 400th anniversary of the canonisation of St Ignatius and St Francis Xavier on 12 March 1622 is also remembered during the Ignatian year.

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