Image of Our Lady of Nazareth visits Archdiocese of Salvador


The image is the same as that of the Círio de Nazaré, one of the biggest religious festivities in Brazil and the world, which annually brings together millions of faithful in Belém do Pará.

Newsroom (06/12/2023 16:59, Gaudium Press) At 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 6, the Archdiocese of São Salvador da Bahia will receive the official image of Our Lady of Nazareth, the same as the Círio de Nazaré, one of the biggest religious festivities in Brazil and the world, which annually brings together millions of faithful in Belém do Pará.

Almost a year of negotiations

The image will be welcomed by the faithful at the Portão Tourist Terminal, and will then be taken in procession to the Community of Our Lady of Good Delivery. According to the website of the Archdiocese of Bahia, during the procession devotees will be able to admire and pray before the image of the Mother of God, under the title of Our Lady of Nazareth, and demonstrate their faith and trust in the Blessed Virgin.

According to Father Rogério Marcos, parish priest of Santo Antônio Parish, the negotiations with the Círio de Nazaré Commission to send the image took almost a year. The request was made taking into account the people of Pará and Bahia who are unable to take part in the Círio in Belém do Pará. In this way, they will be able to experience what they usually only watch on television.

Full Schedule

On December 7, the image will be taken at 7 a.m. to the parish church of Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Itinga, Lauro de Freitas); from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. it will be welcomed by the Holy Family Chapel of São João Evangelista Parish (Vilas do Atlântico, Lauro de Freitas). At 7.30pm, the image will arrive at the parish church of Santo Amaro de Ipitanga (Centro, Lauro de Freitas) and will remain there until 9pm, when it will return to the community of Nossa Senhora do Bom Parto, in Vida Nova.

On December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God and the Feast of Our Lady of the Conception of Praia, patron saint of the state of Bahia, the image will travel to the parish church of Santo Agostinho (Areia Branca, Lauro de Freitas), then to São Cristóvão parish (São Cristóvão, Salvador), and arrive at the parish church of Santo Antônio de Portão, where a solemn Mass will be celebrated.

On December 9, at 7am, the parish church of São João Evangelista (Mussurunga, Salvador) will welcome the image. At 11am, the illustrious image will be in the region of Quingoma, Lauro de Freitas, at the house of the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit, and at 2pm she will go to the house of the Heralds of the Gospel. At 8pm, there will be a concert with the Catholic band Vida Reluz at the Portão Tourist Terminal.

On Sunday, December 10, there will be a Peace Walk at 5am, from the parish church of Santo Antônio de Portão to the Bom Pastor community, where Holy Mass will be celebrated. On the same day, the image will be sent to the Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida Sanctuary (Imbuí, Salvador), where it will remain until 5pm, when a motorcade will begin towards the parish headquarters of Ceia do Senhor and Santo André Apóstolo (Cabula VI, Salvador). (EPC)

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