In a Nixonian-Style Saga, Card. Becciu Tells Vatican Judges He is Not a Crook

Judge Rejects Motion: Vatican’s Financial Trial Will Not Be Dropped

Appearing for questions March 17 on the first day of evidentiary hearings in the trial, which began in July last year, Card. Becciu said it was “not easy” for him to defend his integrity in court after “an unprecedented massacre of the media.”

Newsroom (20/03/2022 7:23 PM Gaudium Press) In his opening statement to the three-judge panel, the cardinal denounced a “violent and vulgar campaign” against him in the press, which he said had “a worldwide echo.”

Describing the allegations against him as “absurd,” “incredible,” “grotesque,” and “monstrous,” the cardinal wondered to the court “who wanted all this and for what purpose?”

In addition to charges stemming from his involvement in the Secretariat of State’s London property scandal, not raised in questioning Thursday, Card. Becciu faces allegations that he used his office to funnel money to members of his own family. The charges include 250,000 euros sent to bank accounts controlled by his brother, Antonio Becciu, who runs the Spes Cooperative, a Catholic charity in Sardinia.

Becciu denied any impropriety, insisting that he “never wanted a euro, not even a cent, that [he] had managed or even just knew about, to be diverted, misused or destined to purposes that were not exclusively institutional.”

Under questioning from Giuseppe Pignatone, the chief judge in the trial, the cardinal declared that he authorized an initial 100,000 euro loan, later converted to a 50,000 euro donation from the Italian bishops’ conference, as he was “excited” by his brother’s charitable work which, he said, made him “blush, as a priest.”

Asked about two more payments, one of 130,000 euros made from a Secretariat of State account, which apparently went into his brother’s personal account, Card. Becciu insisted that it is ordinary practice for Vatican funds to be deposited with individuals for charitable purposes. According to him, much of the money had not been spent.

The cardinal also denied knowledge of a 150,000 euro loan made by Spes to his niece. He insisted that the woman was not a relative, properly speaking, though she was an old friend.

Related to the charges of embezzlement and abuse of office, Becciu also faced questions about his relationship with Cecilia Marogna, a self-styled private intelligence and security consultant.

Marogna has previously refused to answer questions from the court about her work for the Secretariat of State, for which she was paid hundreds of thousands of euros in transfers authorized by Card. Becciu, citing state secrecy.

She has previously claimed on Italian television that in addition to allegedly helping negotiate the release of a kidnapped religious sister in South America, she was tasked by Becciu with compiling dossiers on the private moral failing of senior curial officials.

After Becciu also asserted the protection of the pontifical secret over his dealings with Marogna, the judges deferred questions on his allegedly Nixonian use of Vatican funds for private intelligence gathering until a later session.

The judges said that they would seek clarification from the Secretariat of State on the applicability of the pontifical secret to Becciu and Marogna’s work together and are expected to announce a decision when the court next meets on March 30, at which time Msgr. Mauro Carlino will testify.

Carlino, a former subordinate of Becciu’s at the Secretariat of State, is on trial for extortion and abuse of office. Cardinal Becciu will answer questions again on April 6.

(Via The Pillar)

Compiled by Raju Hasmukh

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