Where can we find security, if not next to Our Lord?
Newsroom (11/06/2022 09:00, Gaudium Press ) From the Confessions of St. Augustine:
“The cruelty of the mighty desires to be feared; but who is to be feared but You, my God? Nothing can escape Your dominion: who can do so, how and when?
“The caresses of the voluptuous seek the reciprocation of love, but nothing is more caressing than Your charity, and nothing more salutary to be loved, than Your truth, the most beautiful and resplendent of all things.
“Curiosity wants to appear interested in science, but You alone know everything fully.
“Even ignorance and insipience cover themselves with the cloak of simplicity and innocence; but nothing is simpler, nothing is more innocent than You. It is the works themselves that harm the wicked.
“Laziness seems to desire only tranquility, but what safe rest is there outside of You, Lord?
“Lust wants to be called satiety and abundance; but You alone are fullness, You are the source of inexhaustible and incorruptible gentleness.
“Prodigality is covered with the shadow of liberality; but You alone are the most generous giver of all goods.
“Avarice desires to possess much, but Thou possessest all things.
“Envy pleads for supremacy, but who is more excellent than Thee?
“Wrath seeketh vengeance; what revenge is more just than Thine?
“Fear, while it watches over safety, detests the unusual and unexpected events that threaten the objects loved; but for You, what is unusual or unexpected? Who can separate You from what You love? Where is security found, if not at Your side?
“Sadness languishes in the loss of goods, in which greed is satisfied, because it wishes that nothing, like You, could be taken away from it.
Compiled by Sandra Chisholm