Home Asia Indian Government Denies Persecution Against Christians

Indian Government Denies Persecution Against Christians

Indian Government Denies Persecution Against Christians

The Indian government denied before the Supreme Court that there is a violent persecution against Christians in the country

Newsroom (27/08/2022 09:00 PM, Gaudium Press) The Archbishop of Bangalore, Archbishop Peter Machado, the National Solidarity Forum and the Evangelical Community of India have filed a lawsuit against the Indian government.

The public interest litigation states that on average between 45 and 50 violent attacks against Christians take place every month in India.

In the petition, the plaintiffs state that last May reached a record 57 serious attacks against the minority.

The Archbishop and the mentioned Organizations ask that measures be taken urgently to stop the persecution of Christians.

However, the Indian government has asked for the rejection of such a petition stating that behind the petition there is a “biased intention”.

In the statement submitted to the Indian Supreme Court last August 16, the government views the petition as misleading.

Indian government denies persecution of Christians

Tushar Mehta, a government representative and petitioner for the withdrawal of the Christians’ petition, said that the facts alleged are poorly elaborated and based on mere conjecture.

He also stated that the legation aims at private interest as the facts were compiled by the same interested organizations.

In summary, the government stated that the request is of a “dangerous trend” and denies that there is a persecution against Indian Christians.

It stated that incidents of attacks can be recorded in the respective provinces and that there is no need to take up the matter with the country’s supreme court.

On the accusation that the police often act biased in attacks, Mehta denied it and said that the “police took immediate action in several cases and conducted the necessary investigation according to the laws.

Christians will continue with the petition

For his part, lawyer Colin Gonsalves, representing the Christians, stated before the judges that 500 attacks were recorded in 2021 alone.

The lawyer asked for time to present more evidence and to answer the points raised by the government’s statement.

The persecution of Christians in India is long-standing and has intensified in recent years with actions by Hindu extremists.

Christians are often accused of violating the “anti-conversion” law. In addition, violent attacks against people or property are common currency in the Asian country. (FM)

Compiled by Angelica Vecchiato


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