Italian nun martyred in satanic ritual beatified


“Her body, offered up to martyrdom, became an eloquent and luminous instrument to spread God’s love for everyone everywhere”

Newsdesk (June 5, 2021, 14:45, Gaudium Press) Tomorrow, Sunday, Sister Maria Laura Mainetti, an Italian nun martyred by Satanists on June 6, 2000, will be beatified. The beatification will take place in the Diocese of Como, Italy, where the new Blessed lived.

Blessed Maria Laura Mainetti

Blessed Maria Laura Mainetti, was 60 years old when she died. She was born in Colico, Lecco, Italy, on August 20, 1939, and belonged to the Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross.

In her apostolic work, she offered help and guidance to young delinquents.
At the time of her martyrdom, she was the superior of the convent of her Congregation in Chiavenna and did not fail to provide assistance to wayward youth.

She was martyred while carrying out her mission

While carrying out her apostolate of care and guidance, on the evening of June 6, 2000, she received a phone call with a request for help: three teenagers who had been her catechism students were asking for help.

According to the teenagers, one of them needed to talk to her former teacher. She had been raped, was pregnant, and was thinking about aborting the baby. They then requested a meeting with the religious woman that was to be held in a city park.
Maria Laura was willing to attend to the young woman and left for the meeting.

An ambush with satanic undertones

As soon as she arrived at the park, the nun was attacked by three teenagers who had prepared an ambush for her: Ambra Gianasso, 16 years old, Milena De Giambattista, the same age, and Veronica Pietrobelli, 17 years old.

The three former pupils of Sister Mainetti forced her to her knees while taunting her with shouts and antireligious insults and threats.  

One of them assaulted the 60-year-old Sister with a brick while another repeatedly slammed the sexagenarian’s head against a wall and finally stabbed her 19 times. One stabbing more than they had planned.

Martyrdom as part of a satanic ritual

According to statements given to the police by the three girls was to give 18 stab wounds, 6 each to thus form the number 666, which is the number of the beast of the Apocalypse.

Also, as the three teenage girls stated, during the execution of her martyrdom, the new Blessed prayed constantly and that also the last words uttered by Blessed Maria Laura Mainetti were: “Lord, forgive them”.

The three teenage murderers also said in their testimony that the murder of Sister Maria Laura was part of a kind of game within a satanic ritual.

The young killers also revealed that the ritual they had initially prepared had as its target the town’s parish priest, but they changed their intentions and decided that executing the religious sister would be easier because she was an old and weaker woman than the priest.

During the investigations, the police found notebooks of the three teenage killers full of writings with satanic phrases and drawings. In addition, the notebook contained a blood oath they had taken a few months earlier.

The beatification ceremony of Maria Laura Mainetti

The beatification ceremony will be presided over by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

The Bishop of Como, Monsignor Oscar Cantoni, will concelebrate the Beatification Mass together with other bishops and priests.

The religious event will be held in the sports field of the City Hall of Chiavenna and will be broadcast live on local television and Radio Maria.

This Saturday, June 5, at 4:30 pm there will be a vigil of preparation for the beatification for young people from the age of 16. A film with testimonies about the life and apostolic work of the Italian nun will be shown.

On Sunday, June 6, at 3:00 pm, there will be a moment of reflection with readings, hymns and texts that will recall the life of the new Blessed to help the faithful prepare for the celebration in which Sister Maria Laura’s name will be written in the book of the saints and blessed of the Church.

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Tomorrow, Sunday, Sister Maria Laura Mainetti, an Italian nun martyred by Satanists on June 6, 2000, will be beatified. The beatification will take place in the Diocese of Como, Italy, where the new Blessed lived.
The post Italian nun martyred in satanic ritual beatified appeared first on Gaudium Press.

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