Jesus’ Ascension and Mary’s Assumption: What’s the Difference?

What is the Difference Between Jesus' Ascension and Mary's Assumption?

The well-known theologian Br. Antonio Royo Marin elucidates the question in his book “La Virgen María”.

Newsroom  (06/09/2022 1:15 PM, Gaudium Press) On August 15, the Catholic Church celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, a truth of Faith made dogma by Pope Pius XII.

Concepts Confused

It is common to have a certain confusion between the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Assumption of Our Lady. Antonio Royo Marin elucidates the question in his book “La Virgen María”.

For the famous Dominican theologian, the distinction that some make between the Ascension of the Lord and the Assumption of Mary is not accurate, as if the former was distinguished from the latter by the fact that it was done by her own virtue or power, while the Assumption of Mary needed the assistance or help of the Angels. This is not so.

Our Lady ascended to heaven in body and soul

The difference is that Christ could have ascended to Heaven by his own power even before his death and glorious resurrection, while Mary could not do so – barring a miracle – before her own resurrection.

But once this took place, the Assumption took place using her own glorious agility, without the need for the help of Angels and without any miracle.

Source: Fray Antonio Royo Marin, “La Virgen María”, pages 213-214.


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