Learn to Educate the Young ones: “Interview” with a Catholic Pedagogue


Gaudium Press reproduces an exclusive “interview” with an important figure in Catholic pedagogy. His teachings, if followed correctly, can sanctify children, young people and even parents and teachers.

Newsroom (02/02/2022 07:50 PM, Gaudium Press) – Italy – Turin (January 31, 2022, 8:35 PM, Gaudium Press) He is of small physical stature, tiny, with a smart, penetrating gaze, a gentle and determined face, he captivates everyone by his simple, sincere manner. He is immediately trusted. There is a certain innocence and purity in everything he does. Together with him, young people (and also adults) learn a lot and feel the desire to do good. Why is that?

Gaudium Press – Everyone knows that you have great experience in the field of education. In a few words, you are able to teach us a lot. We would like to know about your methodology in dealing with youth. If you allow us, first of all, we would like to know what role youth has played in your life?

GB- Youth has always been the tender object of my work, of my studies and of my priestly ministry.

Gaudium Press – For those who are teachers and formators in this, our third millennium, what would you have to say if they wish, in addition, to evangelize young people?

GB- First of all, if we want to be friends of the true good of our students and lead them to the fulfillment of their duties, it is indispensable to never forget that you represent the parents of these dear young people.

Gaudium Press – We represent the parents… But we are talking about today’s youth. They make up a youth that is often rebellious when they are contradicted or corrected. Do you agree that at certain times it is necessary to use harsher methods in correcting them?

GB- It is easier to be angry than to be patient, to threaten a child than to persuade him. I would even say that it is more comfortable for our impatience and our pride to punish those who resist than to correct them by bearing with them firmly.

Gaudium Press – But how can a harsher correction be difficult for pedagogy?

GB- It is very difficult, when one is punishing, to maintain that calm so necessary to remove any doubt that we are acting to demonstrate our authority or to vent our own bad moods.

Gaudium Press – That’s true, but what advice do you have for treating young people in a gentler way, even during those moments when we are tempted by fits of anger?

GB- Let us consider as our children those over whom we exercise a certain power.

Gaudium Press – How can we do this?

GB- Let us put ourselves at their service, like Jesus, who came to obey and not to give orders; let us be ashamed of everything that can give us the appearance of being domineering; and if we exercise any dominion over them, it is to serve them better.

Gaudium Press – You have just told us about Our Lord Jesus Christ, so could you show us this attitude in Him?

GB- This is how Jesus acted with his apostles; he tolerated them in their ignorance and rudeness, and even in their lack of fidelity. The affection and familiarity with which he treated sinners were such that in some he caused astonishment, in others scandal, but in many he instilled the hope of receiving God’s forgiveness. This is why he commanded us to learn from him to be meek and humble of heart.

Gaudium Press – Turning then to young people, how should we act?

GB- Since they are our children, let’s put away all anger when we have to correct their faults or, at least, let’s moderate it in such a way that it seems totally dominated.

Gaudium Press – Could you be more specific?

GB- No agitation of spirit, no contempt in the eyes, no insults on the lips; then you will be true parents and you will achieve a true correction.

Gaudium Press – Yes, but as a pedagogue and a formator, you know that there are moments when it is really difficult to hold back words. What advice do you give us to be strong enough to master our tongue?

GB- In certain very serious moments, it is better to commend ourselves to God, to humble ourselves before Him, rather than a storm of words that only hurt those who hear them and are of no benefit to those who deserve them.

Gaudium Press – It is really a very special method of treating youth. Where did you base the creation of this system?

GB- The practice of this system is based entirely on the words of St. Paul: Charity is kind and patient; it suffers all things, but expects all things, and endures all troubles.

Gaudium Press – Thank you very much for the interview, and… Ah! Excuse me, I forgot to introduce you to our readers… Now it is better that you introduce yourself…

GB- I am Italian, I lived in Turin. My name is Giovani. But because I am a priest, I am better known as Fr. John. My children of the religious congregation I founded – the Salesians – prefer to call me Don Bosco.

By Emílio Portugal Coutinho.

(Based on the letters written by St. John Bosco: Epistolario, Torino 1959, 4, 201-203)

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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