L’Osservatore Romano turns 160 years old

bishop reads l'osservatore romano

As it is also known, the Pope’s newspaper is published daily and can be read in seven languages.

Vatican City (02/07/2021 15:20, Gaudium Press)  – Yesterday, July 1, L’Osservatore Romano celebrated its 160th anniversary as the oldest active daily newspaper printed in the Eternal City.

The mission

On the occasion, Pope Francis emphasized his passion for L’Osservatore Romano, a newspaper that he read every week in Argentina. According to him, L’Osservatore Romano is a link with the Holy See, the Magisterium and the life and the history of the Church.

Pope Paul VI once noted that the newspaper’s mission is “to document the thought, the words, the works of the Pope and the Holy See and offer the reader keys to interpret the historical and spiritual reality of Catholicism and the times.”

Special Supplements

On celebrating 160 years of the Pope’s newspaper, five special supplements will be published between July 1 and 5. A range of other initiatives are scheduled to take place throughout the year.

In addition, five special editions will print including articles from the editors-in-chief of some of the major Italian and international newspapers: El País, Le Monde, Avvenire, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Folha de Sao Paulo, and The Times, among others.

The editors will answer the following questions: “If it is true that we are living a ‘change of times’, how is journalism changing and how do we want it to change? Can the encyclical Fratelli tutti be an indication for the path of a ‘journalism of fraternity’ as a response to the crisis the pandemic has reproposed in a dramatic and inescapable way?”

Sunday Gospel Meditation

Starting July 1, the Sunday Gospel weekly meditation will be entrusted to five women experts in the Bible and spirituality; some are contributors to the women’s magazine “Donne Chiesa Mondo.” The series feature the Abbess of the Benedictine Abbey of Viboldone, Sister Maria Ignazia Angelini, and will also include Lucia Vantini, Rosalba Manes, Rosella Barzotti and Sister Fulvia Sieni.

Daily Press

L’Osservatore Romano is printed daily in Italian, except on Sundays and religious holidays of the Vatican calendar. Encyclicals and other pontifical documents are often published in Latin. Over time, the Pope’s newspaper has gone international and is now published weekly in seven languages: French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, Polish, and Malayalam, a language spoken in southwestern India. (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj


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