Major Seminary in Coimbra is classified as a national monument


According to the governmental decree, “it is a building preceded by a beautiful garden, laid out in the 19th century”.

Portugal – Coimbra (Newsdesk June 8, 2021 16:40, Gaudium Press) Through a decree published last Monday, June 7, in the Official Gazette, the Portuguese government has classified the Coimbra Major Seminary building as a monument of national interest.

One more National Monument for the city and Church of Coimbra

After the decision was announced, those in charge of Coimbra’s Major Seminary published a note expressing their joy at the news. “The city and Church of Coimbra has one more National Monument – a pride and a responsibility. We want to rise to this enormous challenge,” the document read.

A remarkable testimony of historical experiences and facts

This new classification of Coimbra’s Major Seminary recognizes “its interest as a symbolic or religious testimony, its interest as an outstanding testimony of historical experiences and facts, its intrinsic aesthetic, technical and material value, its architectural, urban and landscape conception, and its extension and what is reflected in it from the point of view of collective memory.

Construction of the Major Seminary of Coimbra

The construction of the Major Seminary of Coimbra began in 1748, at the request of Bishop Miguel de Anunciação. According to the governmental decree, “it is a building preceded by a beautiful and impressive garden, laid out in the 19th century, with an arrangement credited to Bishop-Count Dom Manuel Correia de Bastos Pina, who was also responsible for the construction of the two lateral buildings, between 1873 and 1880”. (EPC)

Edited by Edsel M.

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