Mary, Queen of the End Times According to St Louis de Montfort


God desires that His Holy Mother be better known, more loved, and more honoured today than ever before.

Newsroom (25/08/2022 18:00, Gaudium Press) It is through Mary that the salvation of the world began, and it is through Mary that it must be completed. Mary hardly appeared at the first coming of Jesus Christ, in order that men, still uneducated and unlearned about the Person of her Son, might not depart from the truth, clinging to Her intensely and largely because of the admirable charms the Most High had bestowed upon Her, even outwardly.

This is so true that St. Dionysius the Areopagite has written that when he saw Her, he would have taken Her for a divinity, because of her secret charms and incomparable beauty, if faith, in which he was well established, had not taught him otherwise.

But at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Mary must be known and revealed by the Holy Spirit, in order to make Jesus Christ known, loved and served by Her. The reasons which led Him to conceal His Spouse during Her life and to reveal Her only very little are that the preaching of the Gospel will no longer exist.

Mary needs to be better known by men

God wants, therefore, to reveal and manifest Mary, the masterpiece of His hands, in these last times:

1. For in profound humility She hid Herself in this world and laid Herself lower than the dust, having obtained from God and from the Apostles and Evangelists that She not be made manifest.

2. For since She is the masterpiece of God’s hands, both in our world by grace and in Heaven by glory, He wills, through Her, to be glorified and praised on earth by the living.

3. Since She is the dawn that precedes and discovers the Sun of Righteousness, which is Jesus Christ, She must be known and seen, that Jesus Christ may be also.

4. Being the way by which Jesus Christ came to us the first time, She will still be the way when He comes the second time, although in a different manner.

5. Being the sure means and the straight and undefiled way to go to Jesus Christ and to meet Him perfectly, it is through Her that the good souls called to shine in holiness should find Him. He who finds Mary will find life. But he who does not seek Her cannot find Mary; he who does not know Her cannot seek Her, for an unknown object is neither sought nor desired. It is necessary, therefore, that Mary be better known than ever, for the greater knowledge and glory of the Blessed Trinity.

6. Mary must shine more than ever in mercy, in strength and in grace in these last times. In mercy, to bring back and lovingly receive the poor sinners and straying ones who will be converted and return to the Catholic Church. In strength against the enemies of God, the idolaters, schismatics, Mohammedans, Jews and stubborn wicked, who will revolt terribly to seduce and make fall, through promises and threats, all those who oppose them. Finally, She must shine in grace to animate and sustain the valiant soldiers and faithful servants of Jesus Christ, who will fight for His interests.

7. Finally, Mary must be as terrible to the devil and his minions as an army in battle array, especially in these last times, because the devil, knowing well that he has little time in which to cause the loss of souls, redoubles his efforts and his battles every day. He will soon stir up cruel persecutions and lay terrible snares for the faithful servants and true sons of Mary, who give him more trouble to overcome than others.

Little according to the world, but great in holiness

Mary’s power over all the devils will shine forth, particularly in the last times, when Satan will lay a snare at her heel, that is, her humble slaves and her poor children whom She will raise up to make war against him.

They will be small and poor according to the world, and debased before all as the heel, trodden down and persecuted as the heel is in relation to the other members of the body. But in exchange, they will be rich in the grace of God, which Mary will distribute to them abundantly; great and outstanding in holiness before God, superior to every creature by their ardent zeal, and so strongly supported by divine help that, with the humility of their heel and in union with Mary, they will crush the head of the devil and cause Jesus Christ to triumph.

Finally, God wants His Holy Mother to be better known, more loved and more honoured today than She has ever been. This will undoubtedly happen if the predestined will enter, with the grace and light of the Holy Spirit, into the interior and perfect practice that I will reveal to them next.

They will then see, as clearly as faith allows them, that beautiful Star of the Sea, and they will reach the safe harbour, despite the storms and the pirates, following this path.

They will know the greatness of this Sovereign, and will devote themselves entirely to her service as her subjects and her slaves of love. They will taste her sweetness and her maternal goodness, and they will love Her affectionately as her beloved children. They will know the mercies of which She is full and will feel the need of her help, and they will have recourse to Her in all things as their dear Advocate and Mediatrix with Jesus Christ. They will know that She is the surest, easiest, shortest and most perfect way to reach Jesus Christ, and they will give themselves to Her with body and soul, without limits, to belong in the same way to Jesus Christ.

Finally, we know that they will be true disciples of Jesus Christ, who will follow in the footsteps of His poverty, humility, contempt of the world and charity, teaching the narrow way of God in the pure truth, according to the Holy Gospel, and not according to the maxims of the world: without grieving or showing favouritism, without sparing, hearing, or fearing any mortal, however powerful he may be.

They will carry in their mouths the two-edged sword of the Word of God; they will carry on their shoulders the bloody standard of the Cross, the crucifix in their right hand, the rosary in their left, the holy names of Jesus and Mary in their hearts, and the modesty and mortification of Jesus Christ in all their conduct.

These are the great men who will come, whom Mary will raise up by order of the Most High, to extend her empire over that of the wicked, idolaters and Mohammedans.

But when and how will this happen?

Only God knows. It is up to us to keep silent, to pray, to sigh and to hope: “I have waited for the Lord” (Ps 39:2).

Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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