Mexican Bishop: “The Holy Rosary, Instrument that Changes Hearts”


Bishop Ramón Castro Castro also pointed out that prayer gives us strength, because we know that God comes, we know that God is justice and mercy.

Gaudium Press, English Edition

Newsdesk (29/11/2021 13:44, Gaudium Press) On December 12th, Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Marian sanctuaries of Fatima, Lourdes and Guadalupe, joined the Catholics of the Holy Land and Rome, to recite the Marian prayer of the Holy Rosary.

More than 700 thousand faithful reciting the Holy Rosary at the same time

This day of prayer, an initiative promoted by Terra Sancta Mexico, Magdala,, Regnum Christi and Zenit, brought together more than 700,000 faithful around the world, who united spiritually to pray to the Mother of God.

Among the main intentions for which this Holy Rosary was recited were a request for peace and unity in Mexico, for Pope Francis, for the Church, for the end of the pandemic, for the health of the sick, and for the souls in purgatory.

Prayer gives us that strength that comes from God

The event was attended by the secretary general of the Mexican Episcopal Conference and Bishop of Cuernavaca, Bishop Ramon Castro Castro, who stressed that the Holy Rosary is “a truly important and extraordinary instrument that changes hearts.”

The prelate also pointed out that in the face of the desperate situations we live in our days, “prayer gives us that strength again, because we know that God comes, we know that God is justice and mercy.” (EPC)

Compiled by Roberta MacEwan

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