Mexican Diocese to Catholic Politicians Voting to Legalize Abortion: “No. You cannot Approach Sacramental Communion”


After the Mexican state of Sinaloa legislature voted to legalize abortion up to 13 weeks, the Diocese of Culiacán announced that Catholic politicians who voted in favour of the law will not be able to receive Eucharist or be godparents.

Newsroom (16/03/2022 8:42 PM, Gaudium Press)  In a statement, Father Miguel Ángel Soto Gaxiola, director of the Culiacán Commission for Life, Family, Youth and Laity, officially announced that Catholic lawmakers who voted in favour of abortion will be denied communion. The decision is “the recognition of the objectively unworthy state of a person to receive the Body of Christ.”

The Diocese is located in the state of Sinaloa, whose capital city is Culiacán. Sinaloa became the seventh Mexican state to decriminalize abortion.

In the letter addressed to Catholic politicians, Father Soto Gaxiola pointed out that “Today we have many people scandalized by the public betrayal of the Church’s teaching on faith and morals by those legislators who call themselves ‘Catholic.'”

He continued: “Indeed, the questioning of the faithful makes sense: How can a Catholic who openly promotes and is in favour of policies contrary to Life come to Mass and approach communion? In the Magisterium of the Church, the value of Life has been defended always and at all times from its conception until its natural death,” the statement said.

The document debunks the argument of those who “personally believe in the immorality of abortion” but favour “public policies” that include its legalization.

Citing the encyclical Evangelium vitae of St. Pope John Paul II, the statement noted that “this is an erroneous theory. No circumstance, purpose, or law can make an act lawful that is intrinsically illicit. It is contradictory to the Law of God, which is written in every human heart, known by reason itself and proclaimed by the Church.”

The letter concludes by addressing the question: “Can a Member of Parliament or any person who professes to be a Catholic, while openly cooperating or legislating against Life, receive Holy Communion? No. You cannot approach Sacramental Communion. Nor that person can be a godparent or companion of other people who want to receive other sacraments such as baptism.”

(Via NCR)

Compiled by Raju Hasmukh

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