Home Latin America More than 40,000 young people make pilgrimage to Virgin of Rio Blanco...

More than 40,000 young people make pilgrimage to Virgin of Rio Blanco shrine in Argentina


The pilgrims, coming from different parts of the province, began to arrive at Río Blanco on Friday, Oct. 27, some after walking more than 60 miles. Once there, they camped on the shrine grounds.

Newsroom (06/11/2023 09:41Gaudium Press) During the month of October under the theme “Like the martyrs, together with Mary, firm in the faith,” thousands of people from the northern province of Jujuy in Argentina made pilgrimages to the shrine of their patroness, the Virgin of Río Blanco and Paypaya.

The pilgrims, coming from different parts of the province, began to arrive at Río Blanco on Friday, Oct. 27, some after walking more than 60 miles. Once there, they camped on the shrine grounds.

On Saturday afternoon the activities began, organized by the diocesan youth ministry.

Saturday culminated with the celebration of Mass and a night of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, which lasted until 11 p.m.

The pilgrims continued to arrive until Sunday to participate in the main Mass, which was offered by the bishop of Jujuy, César Daniel Fernández.

In his homily, the prelate encouraged the young people to feel personally loved by God. “God is tattooed on the hearts of those who were baptized and never abandons us,” he said.

Throughout Sunday, Masses were celebrated at the shrine and the rosary was prayed.

Speaking with Todo Jujuy online news, Fernández said: “With great joy we receive so much sacrifice, effort, and enthusiasm from these young people who want great things for their lives.”

“We as adults must wish them the best and build the best for them through the conditions so that they can work, study, and give meaning to their lives,” he urged.

The prelate considered that this “date” that the young people meet every year in Río Blanco “will give them a lot of strength to continue the fight in their everyday lives.”

“We always hope that this sanctuary, which is emblematic for the province, which is the religious heart, has the best to offer everyone a place to encounter God. Faith does not slacken,” he concluded.

  • Raju Hasmukh with files from CNA

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