New President of Nicaragua’s Episcopal Conference Elected


Bishop Carlos Henrique Herrera Gutiérrez was elected the new president of Nicaragua’s bishops’ conference last week.

From Twitter @ObispoHerrera

Newsroom (November 22, 2021, 2:20 PM, Gaudium Press) The bishops’ conference of Nicaragua elected its new president last week, Bishop Carlos Henrique Herrera Gutiérrez.

Bishop Carlos Henrique, the current bishop of Jinotega, which is 142 km north of Managua, will replace the current president of the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference (CEN), Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes.

The election took place during the annual meeting of bishops, from November 15 to 17. In addition to the election of the president, the members of the Board of Directors and the presidents of the institutions and commissions to serve until 2024 were appointed.

Cardinal José Brenes Solórzano will be the vice-president of the Board of Directors, Bishop Jorge Solórzano Pérez, the secretary general, and Bishop Marcial Humberto Guzmán Saballos, the treasurer.  

Carlos Enrique Herrera Gutiérrez joined the Franciscans (OFM) in 1973.

He studied philosophy and theology in Guatemala and did specializations on the Pastoral Care of the Family and Theology at CELAM in Colombia. He was ordained in 1982. Since then he has assumed various positions in the Church of Nicaragua. (FM)

With information from ACI

Compiled by Sarah Gangl

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