Only the Virgin of Caacupé remained intact after fire


Last Friday, a large fire completely consumed a house in the city of Asunción, Paraguay. The family claims to have lost all their material belongings. However, the Virgin of Caacupé remained intact.  

Newsroom (November 20, 2021, 11:50 PM, Gaudium Press) Beatriz Nancy Estigarribia reported that the incident happened in the early hours of the morning when her husband was getting ready to go to work and she was helping her children pack for school. Suddenly, the refrigerator short-circuited and exploded. Black smoke then spread throughout the house.

Before they knew it, the fire was spreading rapidly through the precarious house that had only one door, through which they managed to escape with their three children.

Unfortunately, they did not have time to save their material belongings, and even their pets, a rabbit and a kitten, died in the fire.

Once the flames were controlled, they saw that the only thing that remained intact inside the house was the Virgin of Caacupé, the Baby Jesus and other saints.

“What was not burned was my Virgin and Her Divine Son, and my saints. That was what didn’t burn, that the fire didn’t touch. It was a miracle,” said the emotional woman.

Indeed, the little “shrine” was in a corner of the room surrounded by flammable materials, but nothing happened to it.

Compiled by Zephania Gangl

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