Open-air Masses as Churches Remain Closed in Quebec, Canada

Open-air Masses as Churches Remain Closed in Quebec, Canada

In the face of restrictions set by the Canadian government, the Archbishop of Montreal decided not to abandon the faithful and to celebrate Mass daily outdoors.

Newsroom (04/01/2022 18:30, Gaudium Press) With Christmas only a week away, the Quebec government decreed that only those vaccinated could access Masses.

Even then, churches were to hold only half of full capacity. On 30 December, however, the  government published new health guidelines banning assemblies in places of worship.

Faced with this prospect, the Archbishop of Montréal, Most Rev. Christian Lépine, saw that the car park of the cathedral of Marie-Reine-du-Monde (Mary Queen of the World) could offer a solution.

The Archbishop explained all the difficulty caused by the control of access for those vaccinated, the limited number of people, the reservations made on the internet to attend the celebrations, among others.

Arch. Lépine decided to adapt to the norms of the government and proposed to have the daily Eucharistic celebration in the open air. The option of an open-air Mass would solve all these problems.

In a makeshift presbytery sheltered under a tent, the priest celebrates Mass and the faithful position themselves along the cathedral car park.

In this way “vaccinated and non-vaccinated people can come together at open-air Mass to meet the Lord in the sacrament of the Eucharist,” said Arch. Lépine.

He explained that the current situation, of celebrating Mass outside the cathedral, brings the faithful closer to the reality experienced by Mary and Joseph.

Forced to go to Bethlehem due to a government decree, they thought they would find a comfortable place for the birth of the God Child, but they only found an uncomfortable stable and practically outdoors.

The Archbishop stressed that it is important, despite the pandemic, to make an effort and be close to the faithful. In fact, there are not a few who come forward to participate in Masses.

In this situation, the thermometer is not an unimportant detail… In the middle of winter in Canada, temperatures remain easily below zero and the weather forecast is around -18º for the coming days. Arch Lépine joked that it was good that he kept his ski clothes and that they will be very useful to him in the coming days. (FM)

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