Our Lady is Our Refuge in Life’s Difficulties, Teaches the Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima


Father Carlos Cabecinhas encouraged the pilgrims at Fatima to follow Mary’s example by valuing God’s Presence in every life situation.

Newsroom (20/08/2022 09:00, Gaudium Press) On the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady, August 15, the rector of the Shrine of Fatima, Father Carlos Cabecinhas, encouraged the pilgrims to follow Mary’s example and to value God’s presence in all situations of life.

God does not abandon us.

According to the priest, the celebration of the Assumption confirms that, in Heaven, we have a defender and advocate who always shows us the way to God. “To celebrate the Assumption is to experience this same joy, which springs from the certainty of God’s merciful Presence in our lives,” he stressed.

The rector of the Shrine assured everyone that God is present in our lives in many ways, and “with Mary we learn to be attentive to this Presence and to rejoice because God does not abandon us.” This joy “springs from Faith and trust in God, who does not forget nor abandon us, especially in the most difficult moments.

Our Lady continuously intercedes for us.

Father Cabecinhas also pointed out that “when we celebrate the Assumption, we entrust to Mary everything that worries and afflicts us, since She, here in Fatima, presented Herself as our refuge in the difficulties of life. Glorified in Heaven, She continually intercedes for us. We entrust to Her our supplications for us”.

“In moments of difficulty, we become so fixated on problems that we become incapable of recognizing what God, each day, grants us; we become incapable of recognizing the wonders He continues to work in us and through us… Today we want, like Mary, to glorify the Lord because He sets his eyes on our humble condition and continues to work wonders in us and through us,” he concluded. (EPC)

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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