Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Why You Need Her


Mother of Perpetual Help: a ‘perpetual help’, that is, uninterrupted, a help that never ceases. At any minute, in any place, under any circumstances: no matter how bad the situation of those who invoke her, the Mother of Mercy will help them.

Gaudium Press English Edition

Newsdesk (30/06/2022 18:33, Gaudium Press) The most touching symbolism of the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is contained in the gesture with which the Child Jesus leans on Our Lady, who holds his hands, signifying that She governs the movements of Her Divine Son. This was an ancient symbol of homage and obedience, which consisted in the inferior placing his hands between those of the superior. This signified the dominion, the power, of this over that, because a man who holds the hands of another evidently holds him entirely.

In representing the Divine Infant in this way the artist was very skilled and succeeded in indicating what really happens: the Blessed Virgin can do everything for the Child Jesus and, in this sense, her prayers “govern” Him!

Perpetual Help

In the invocation of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, what is especially emphasized is not Mary Most Holy assisting us, as she does, with much frequency, liberality and tenderness, but the fact that this help is perpetual.

However badly we behave, however much we abuse it, however outrageous our ingratitude, however acute the peril, however extraordinary the miracle implored, however extreme and improbable the aid requested, provided it is not a bad thing in itself, the Mother of Perpetual Help will attend to us.

It is therefore the Mother who glorifies herself in always attending, always helping, always welcoming, in such a way that it is utterly impossible that we, praying to her, will not be helped.

She may even delay granting us what we ask, but she does so in order to give us a hundredfold, coming to us with her hands laden with multiplied gifts.

Blessed are those whom Our Lady delays in answering!

Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

Extract from conferences 11/18/1968 and 11/18/1964

Compailed by Roberta MacEwan

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