Our Lady of Victory is Enthroned in Roman Basilica


“This image signifies how strong and vital is the bond that unites the Virgin Mary to the victory of Christ, her Son,” said Bishop Jesús Catalá Ibáñez of Málaga.

Newroom (25/07/2022 16:46, Gaudium Press) Last Saturday afternoon, 23rd July, the Roman basilica of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte, a church entrusted to the Order of the Minims since the 16th century, was blessed with the enthronement of the image of the Patroness of the Diocese and the City of Malaga, Saint Mary of Victory.

Bond that unites the Virgin Mary to Christ’s victory

The religious ceremony was presided by Bishop Jesús Catalá Ibáñez, Bishop of Málaga, and was attended by Bishop Antonio Jesús Coronado Morón, Vicar General of the Diocese; Bishop Antonio Jesús Coronado Morón, rector of the diocesan seminary; and Father Salvador Aguilera López.

“This image, historically linked to the Order of Minims, signifies how strong and vital is the bond that unites the Virgin Mary to the victory of Christ, her Son. In fact, she is the Holy Mother of the Word made man, icon of the invisible God, who became incarnate to conquer sin and death, to make us partakers of his victory,” the prelate stressed.

Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Miracle

Popularly known as the Shrine of Our Lady of the Miracle, the Minor Basilica of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte was the temple in which, on 20 January 1842, Our Lady appeared to Alphonse Maria Ratisbonne, a French lawyer of Jewish origin who eventually converted to Catholicism and was ordained a priest.

The Sanctuary has also been the place of pilgrimage for numerous saints, such as St John Bosco, St John Henry Newman, St Paul of the Cross, St Josephine Vannini, St Teresa of the Child Jesus, St Teresa of Calcutta, St John Paul II and St Maximilian Mary Kolbe. (EPC)

The post Our Lady of Victory is Enthroned in Roman Basilica appeared first on Gaudium Press.

Compiled by Florence MacDonald


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