Our Lady, Queen Assumed into Heaven, is the Ark of Our Saviour


While we are still enjoying the warmth of the celebration of the Solemnity of the Assumption of our Lady, God reminds us that His most precious treasure has been given to us already and that we must not spurn this priceless gift.

Newsroom(28/08/2022 16:00, Gaudium Press) Let us imagine that in a certain town there lives a wealthy landowner, the greatest of his time. This honest gentleman wants to benefit those who work in his fields, and to give them much more opulent bounties than they deserve. To do so, he sends emissaries inviting passers-by to come to his field to cultivate his land, granting in return possession of it and part of the treasures contained in his valuable chest of gold.

However, although very few guests accept the invitation extended, the kindness of that owner is not content with the number of workers he will benefit; he then decides to distribute the valuable objects from his chest throughout the streets, to convince the inhabitants of the town to come to his fields.

To his surprise, many reject those treasures, others insult the messengers who carried the ark, and, lamentably, not a few try to throw it to the ground with the intention of destroying it, because they affirm that their town is more enticing than the treasures offered, since the ‘treasures’ of the town are more seductive. However, a few, seeing the generous gift of that lord, set out for his fields, desiring to serve such a kindly owner.

Imagine their surprise when, in exchange, they receive not only land and part of the treasure, but, the whole chest of gold!

“This is a city of fools!” – some readers will think.

Yes! Imagine that this story takes place in our century [of madmen!?]. This city and its inhabitants are us; the owner is God; the rejected ark is Mary Most Holy, and the workers are the faithful children of the Church.

The Ark of God

These days, as we listen to the first reading of the Mass on the vigil of the Assumption of Our Lady, we note that David summoned all of Israel to Jerusalem in order to transport the Ark of the Lord to the place he had prepared for its shelter (cf. 1 Chron 15:3). Indeed, God wished to summon all the earth to Jerusalem, the womb of Holy Church, in order to transport in their hearts the Ark of the Lord – the Immaculate Virginto the place He had prepared for them: Mary’s Kingdom.

God wanted to give men a most precious treasure, His own Blessed Mother, most rich in unfathomable virtues and graces. Yet She has been greatly rejected and forgotten in modern times. Not even with her countless apparitions, as at Lourdes or Fatima, have men been able to heed her words and prophecies, for the world has fascinated these men with its seductive fantasies and pleasures.

At Fatima, God promised the establishment of His Kingdom through the triumph of the Sacred and Immaculate Heart of Mary; but what have men chosen instead? The kingdom of Satan?

Madmen! They are those who choose the evils of the world and of sin rather than God’s most precious treasure, which is Mary!

Indeed, where are the promises of peace and tranquility that the world has made? Wars, death, misunderstandings, injustice, scandals and all manner of evil are what this century has sown, as Our Lady predicted in Fatima. On the contrary, those who have decided to serve the Lord benefit from the treasures of Our Lady’s graces and virtues. They are clothed with the garments of that coming Kingdom, that is, the garment of integrity, orthodoxy and faith. And for this they also receive in return persecution and incomprehension, because they bring to the world the presence of this Divine Owner, God Himself, rejected by those who belong to the world.

The Glorious Assumption

Today, one has the impression that we are as it were in the manner of the Apostles, when they saw the departure of Our Lady from this world. Certainly the Assumption caused them a certain constriction and pain because of the absence of the One who prolonged the presence of our Lord. Nevertheless, their souls were joyful, for they believed that She and He continued to be present in their hearts.

But in this world, where is Our Lady? Where can we find her treasures, feel her presence? One has the impression that nowadays Our Lady is going through a “sleep” in relation to the world, since it attempts in vain to throw this Ark to the ground; they despise Her and even insult Her, as they do the Holy Church.

However, we must remember that it remains in the hearts of those who serve with integrity of life, whatever form those baptized faithful may take.

This absence felt by the Apostles, however, was in preparation for the triumph and greater glory of God through the person of Our Lady. Hence, in a sense, God’s vengeance against the work of Satan reached its culmination with the Assumption of Mary-preceded by her “dormition”-the ascent to Heaven of She whose heel eternally crushes the head of the serpent, this being more humiliating to hell than the Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, in our days, these events seem to be supernaturally relived, for the more Our Lady’s presence seems to withdraw from this world, the nearer She is to it, as well as her merciful intervention.

To carry this Ark of the Most Highdevotion to Our Lady – with proud and haughty faith, is the supplication that God is making to His children at the present time, still under the warmth of the Solemnity of the Assumption.

Let us then be of those who follow with courage this “Divine Owner”, amidst a world that has despised His goodness and graces, certain that we shall receive in exchange the possession of beatitude, and its most precious treasure – Mary Most Holy!

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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