Pakistan: 8-year-old Christian Girl Raped


In Pakistan, a man raped and tried to kill an 8-year-old Christian girl. The victim survived and was able to identify her attacker.

Pakistan – Sahiwal (Wednesday 22/09/2021 9:06 PM, Gaudium Press) – Liza Younas, a 8- year-old Christian girl, went out shopping at the request of her parents. As the child did not return home, her parents and acquaintances began to search for her.

Liza was found injured and confused on a nearby street. She was then taken to the nearest hospital, where it was reported that the girl had suffered a sexual assault in addition to other serious wounds on her body.

The police of the region started an investigation in the area and arrested the criminal who raped and attempted murder against the child.

The victim recognized the aggressor

Despite her condition, the girl was able to recognize her attacker, Mohammad Bota, who will be charged with the crime of child abuse and could be sentenced to between 10 and 25 years in prison or even the death penalty.

Ashiknaz Khokhar, a human rights promoter who supported and accompanied the victim’s family in the legal process, condemning the brutal attack: “This is the cruelty of a Muslim man, who kidnapped a minor in the street on the evening of September 2, raped her and in order to hide his crime, he tried to kill the girl by hitting her with a stone and leaving her unconscious on the ground. He then fled”

The victim is receiving medical and psychological treatment. In addition, Kokhar reported that “Cases of sexual abuse are particularly excruciating and even more so when an abominable act of sexual violence is committed against a child. The minor is traumatized and psychologically devastated. She is being treated by a psychologist and other doctors in order to be treated for this trauma and wounds.”

According to “Sahil”, a non-governmental organization working in Pakistan to protect children from all kinds of violence, more than 8 children are abused every day in Pakistan. In 2020 alone, 2960 acts of violence took place against children. (FM)

With information from Fides.

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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