Peter’s Pence 2021 Collection Drops 15%

st Peter

Peter’s Pence is an economic aid offered by the faithful to the Holy Father to support Papal works.

Vatican City (02/02/2022 4:57 PM, Gaudium Press) The prefect of the Holy See’s Secretariat for the Economy, Fr. Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves SJ, has warned of a 15% drop in St. Peter’s Pence donations in 2021, compared to the previous year.

“If in 2020 the total collection for the Obolo was $49 million, in 2021 it may not exceed $41 million. The decrease in 2021 adds up to the falls verified between 2015 and 2019 to a further 23%. The 2020 loss, first year of the pandemic was 18%,” he explained.

History of the Collection

Peter’s Pence is a collection offered by the faithful to the Holy Father to express support for the needs of the Church in the world and the charitable works carried out by the Holy See.

This practice had its origin at the end of the 8th century, after the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons. They decided to contribute to the Holy Father consistently every year to show their close connection with the Pope. The practise spread throughout Europe until August 5, 1871, when it became official through the encyclical “Saepe Venerabilis” by Pope Pius IX.

Unity in charity

Through the money collected through St. Peter’s Pence collection, the Papal Charities carry their work in several countries such as Albania, Bangladesh, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Central African Republic, among others.

Fr Guerrero stressed the importance of making the local churches more aware of the Holy See’s needs. “The curia is at their service and must be largely maintained by them. He also stressed the need of supporting the Pope in his mission of unity in charity.” (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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