Phrases and Prayers to Saint Joseph of Anchieta


St. Joseph of Anchieta is known as the patron saint of catechists and the apostle of Brazil, as he was one of the pioneers that introduced Catholicism to the country.

Newsdesk (June 10, 2021, 10:37 AM, On June 9, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of St. Joseph of Anchieta, the apostle of Brazil and patron saint of catechists.

Born in the Canary Islands on March 19, 1534, he traveled to the Portuguese city of Coimbra to study. In Portugal, he had his first contact with the Society of Jesus and with the work of St. Francis Xavier.

At the age of 17, before an image of Our Lady, he chose to follow the religious life. He committed himself to abandon everything and serve God. In 1551 he joined the Society of Jesus as a novice.

In 1553, after making his vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, he was sent to Brazil. Even though he was not yet a priest, he began his work of evangelization in the Land of the Holy Cross.

He learned the Tupi-Guarani language so he could better evangelize the natives. He visited many places in Brazil, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, and Bahia. He died on June 9, 1597. Saint John Paul II beatified him in 1980, and Pope Francis canonized him in 2014.

São José de Anchieta’s Phrases

01 – “Even if I came to Brazil, only to win one soul, I considered my coming and all the work I had done well spent.

02 – “The wicked and sinners are always on the wheel like clay pots placed in the potter’s hand.

03 – “Good education is a gold coin. It is valuable everywhere.

04 – “It is certain that pride, with its affections, only buys hell, and with little work, the humble one buys heaven.

05 – “We endure all this for the sake of the chosen ones.
06 – “Every time you offend and wish harm to your neighbor, you offend and wish harm to God, who is his brother.

07 – “Take away from my heart and spirit insecurity, restlessness and fear, making me live in serenity and peace.”

Prayer to Saint Joseph of Anchieta in the epidemics

Saint Joseph of Anchieta, Apostle of Brazil, to whom we entrust the health of the body and soul of the people of this land, who found good health in the tropics and recommended the lands of Brazil, come to our aid in the face of this great calamity that assails us.

It was you who placed yourself between the classroom and the infirmary, helping many sons and daughters who sought you in the Piratininga mission, tormented by countless diseases and epidemics. It was you who, in total need, became a doctor and, with this land’s plants, found a vehicle for new medicines.

Moved by the zeal for the Gospel, you tried to save many through the Gospel and the Eucharist. Increase our faith, hope, and charity. So that, moved by the same spirit as Christ, we can serve the poorest and most needy.
As you have been everything to everyone, make us place all our trust in the hands of Christ Jesus. So that, in our setting of the sun, the light of Christ may shine victoriously. May the Virgin Mary pray for us in our agonies, giving us her Son Jesus as medicine for our lives. Amen. (EPC)

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St. Joseph of Anchieta is known as the patron saint of catechists and the Apostle of Brazil for having been one of the pioneers in introducing Catholicism to the country.
The post-Saint Joseph of Anchieta – phrases and prayers appeared first on Gaudium Press. Read More Spirituality, APOSTLE OF BRAZIL, Saint Joseph of Anchieta phrases, Prayer to Saint Joseph of Anchieta during epidemics, Saint of the Day, Saint on June 9, SÃO JOSÉ DE ANCHIETA, life of saint josé de anchieta, life of father anchieta, LIFE OF THE Saints Gaudium Press

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