Pilgrims walk once again on the Way of Santiago de Compostela


In 2021 the Compostelan Holy Year is celebrated, this only happens when the feast day of St James the Apostle, celebrated on 25 July, falls on a Sunday.

Spain – Santiago de Compostela (17/06/2021 15:47, Gaudium Press) After a prolonged period of inactivity since 2020 because of the pandemic, the path of Santiago de Compostela has now begun to receive groups of pilgrims again.

For centuries, pilgrims from a variety of countries have spent days or even weeks travelling the several routes to the medieval cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, located in the Spanish province of Galicia.

The Compostelan Holy Year extended until 2022

Following the motto “Get out of your land”, in 2021 the Compostelan Holy Year will be celebrated, which takes place only when the feast of St James the Apostle, celebrated on 25 July, coincides with a Sunday. The organizers of the event have already announced that the feast will be extended until 2022.

Commenting on the theme of the celebration, Archbishop Julián Barrio of Santiago de Compostela said that it refers to “leaving the bubble that isolates us from the rest of the world and makes us self-referential; from the comfort zone, selfishness and inertia; from the false guarantees that our small world provides us, where there is no room for voices other than our own and where the risk of any change is conjured up under the pretext of preserving the truth”.

In 2019 the record number of pilgrims was broken

Despite breaking the record of 350,000 pilgrims in 2019, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and its possible economic consequences, it is difficult to predict how many pilgrims will make the Camino de Santiago in the Holy Year 2021. The official website of the Compostelan Holy Year can be accessed by clicking here. (EPC)

The post Peregrinos voltam a percorrer o Caminho de Santiago de Compostela appeared first on Gaudium Press.


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