Pope Declares Saint Irenaeus of Lyon, New Doctor of the Church

Pope Declares Saint Irenaeus of Lyon, New Doctor of the Church

Francis signed the Decree today, January 21 with the title, Doctor unitatis: “Doctor of unity.”

Newsroom (21/01/2022 10:40 AM, Gaudium Press) Yesterday, January 20, in an audience with Pope Francis, accepted the attribution of the title of Doctor of the Universal Church to Saint Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon. The proposal was presented by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, on behalf of the plenary session of cardinals and bishops of the same Dicastery. 

And today, January 21, the Pope declared Saint Irenaeus – apostle of the Celtic and Germanic peoples and defender of the Doctrine – Doctor of the Church, with the title Doctor unitatis, “Doctor of unity.”

Saint Irenaeus of Lyon, who came from the East, exercised his episcopal ministry in the West: he was a spiritual and theological bridge between Eastern and Western Christians. His name, Irenaeus, expresses that peace which comes from the Lord and which reconciles, restoring unity,” Francis wrote in the Decree.

“May the teaching of this great Master increasingly encourage the journey of all the Lord’s disciples towards full communion,” the Pontiff wished.

The Church currently has 36 Doctors of the Church.

With files from Vatican News.

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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