Pope Francis: Canonization of Blessed Marie Rivier, and 5 New Beatifications


On Monday, December 13, Pope Francis authorized the canonization of Marie Rivier, founder of the community of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, and the beatification of five more Servants of God.

Newsroom (14/12/2021 11:51 AM, Gaudium Press) Following the recognition of a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Marie Rivier, Pope Francis has authorized her canonization. Marie Rivier is the founder of the community of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary.

Born in 1768 in the French town of Montpezat-sous-Bauzon, Marie fell out of bed when she was only 16 months old. The accident caused her many health problems and walking issues.

Decades later, Marie opened her first school dedicated to teaching the needy and caring for the sick. Marie Rivier tried to join other religious orders, but due to poor health, she was unable to do so.

During the French Revolution, many religious orders were closed and religious men and women were dispersed. Despite an environment not conducive to religion, Marie founded a religious community in 1796.

A few years later, Marie Rivier with the approval of the local bishop, officially founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary.

Within a few years of founding, Marie Rivier saw her work grow and expand, numbering some 46 houses. When she died in 1838, Marie Rivier’s work had 141 schools in 14 different dioceses and a total of 350 religious.

Francis has also authorized the beatification of other servants of God: Maria Carola Cecchin, Andrea Garrido Perales, Carlo Maria de Abbiategrasso, Bernardo Sartori and Maria Margherita of the Dying Heart of Jesus in the Garden of Olives. (FM)

Compiled bu Gustavo Kralj

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