Pope Francis: Faith is Not a Commercial Relationship


At the Sunday Angelus, Francis meditated on the Gospel reading of the rich young man who did not follow Jesus.

Newsroom (12/10/2021 11:54 AM, Gaudium Press) – On Sunday, at the Angelus, the Pope meditated on the Gospel reading for the day, which tells the story of the rich young man, a young man who was good, who was looked upon “with love” by the Lord. Jesus called him to leave everything and follow him. Unfortunately, he did not fulfill his vocation.

The rich young man was looking for something more than mere religious practice and believed that he could find something more in Christ. He went “running” to meet Jesus and knelt before Him. But he did not surrender to the Redeemer’s voice and advice, he trusted too much in himself, and so “he was grieved and went away full of sorrow.” ( Cf. Mk 10:17-30 )

Commenting on some particularities of the rich young man’s language, Francis pointed out that his speech revealed characteristics of a business relationship with God, a do ut des. However, faith does not enter into business relationships; it “is a gift,” it is “a look of love to be welcomed.”

“In this way Christian life becomes beautiful, if it is based not on our abilities and our plans; it is based on God’s gaze.,” the Pope said. And when we want to restore a faith that shows signs of weariness, Francis advised, “Look for God’s gaze: sit in adoration, allow yourself to be forgiven in Confession, stand before the Crucified One. In short, let yourself be loved by him. This is the starting point of faith: letting oneself be loved by him, by the Father.”

Jesus asked the rich young man for total surrender. “How many times are we satisfied with doing our duties – the precepts, a few prayers, and many things like that – whereas God, who gives us life, asks us for the impetus of life!”

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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