Pope Francis May Meet The Patriarch of Moscow In September

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On the occasion of an ecumenical congress to be held in September in Kazakhstan, Pope Francis could meet with Patriarch Kirill

Newsroom (08/06/2022 9:00 AM Gaudium Press) The Vatican has confirmed Pope Francis’ participation in the “congress of leaders of world and traditional religions” to be held in September in Kazakhstan.

In fact, a few weeks ago the president of Kazakhstan invited the Pontiff to visit the country. This week, on the date commemorating the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Kazakhstan (May 31), the Vatican officially confirmed Francis’ trip between September 14 and 15 to the capital Nursultan.

In the official statement the Vatican congratulates the Asian country’s initiative to promote dialogue in the contemporary world. Kazakhstan also celebrated Pope Francis’ decision to attend the congress.

Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, is another religious personality expected to attend the event, which would be an opportunity for the two religious leaders to meet.

In fact, the Vatican cancelled, for political reasons, a meeting between Francis and Kirill that was scheduled for this June.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Patriarch of Moscow has come under criticism from the West for his complacency and support for the war. The Patriarch has defended the war in the face of secularism in the West.

The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin condemned any justifications for the war, in an interview with La Stampa newspaper.

While condemning the war, Pope Francis avoids publicly naming Russia as the invading country or President Vladimir Putin as responsible for the conflict.(FM)

Compiled by Teresa Joseph


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