Pope Francis urges the faithful to cultivate the trust of being in God’s hands


“With God, even in the most barren ground, there is always hope for new shoots,” the Pontiff assured.

Vatican City (14/06/2021 20:17, Gaudium Press) Last Sunday, June 13, during the Angelus prayer in the presence of countless faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis commented on the passage from the Gospel of St. Mark in which Our Lord speaks about the Kingdom of God using two parables.

“The Gospel asks us to take a fresh look at ourselves and at reality: it asks us to have bigger eyes that know how to see further, especially beyond appearances, to discover the presence of God who, as humble love, is always acting in the soil of our lives and in that of history. This is our confidence, this is what gives us the strength to go forward each day with patience, sowing the good that will bear fruit,” he said.

Cultivate the confidence of being in God’s hands

The Pontiff stressed that confidence is an important attitude to come out well from the pandemic and recommended that confidence of being in God’s hands be cultivated, committing ourselves to rebuild and start over, with patience and constancy.

Recognizing that ” even in the Church the weeds of distrust can take root, especially when we witness the crisis of faith and the failure of various projects and initiatives,” the Holy Father exhorted us to “never forget that the results of sowing do not depend on our abilities: they depend on God’s action. It is up to us to sow, and to sow with love, with commitment and with patience. But the power of the seed is divine”.

The language of the parables used by Our Lord Jesus Christ

Pope Francis pointed out that Our Lord used an easy-to-understand format, using real images from everyday life. “The parables are inspired precisely by everyday life and reveal the attentive gaze of Jesus, who observes reality and, through small everyday images, opens windows on the mystery of God and on human life”.

“Thus, he teaches us that even the everyday things, those that sometimes seem all the same and that we carry on with distraction or fatigue, are inhabited by the hidden presence of God, that is, they have a meaning. Thus, we too have need of attentive eyes, to know how to seek and find God in all things,” he explained.

God is acting silently and slowly

The Holy Father lamented that often, because of the hustle and bustle of the world and countless activities that consume us daily, we are prevented from perceiving how the Lord directs history, but “God is at work, like a small good seed that sprouts quietly and slowly. And, little by little, it becomes a vigorous tree, which gives life and refreshment to all.”

“For us, many times , the seed of our good works may seem small. However, all that is good belongs to God and therefore, humbly and slowly, bears fruit. The good – let’s remember – always grows in a humble way, in a hidden way, often invisible,” he stressed.

God’s greatness works in the small things

The Pope assured that “with God, even in the most arid ground, there is always hope for new shoots,” affirming that “in so many situations in life it can happen that we become discouraged, because we see the weakness of good in relation to the apparent strength of evil. And we can allow ourselves to be paralyzed by mistrust when we find that we commit ourselves, but the results do not come and things never seem to change.”

“Blessed Mary, the humble servant of the Lord, teach us to see the greatness of God who works in the little things and to overcome the temptation of discouragement. Let us trust in him every day,” he concluded. (EPC)

The post Papa Francisco exorta fiéis para cultivem a confiança de estar nas mãos de Deus appeared first on Gaudium Press.


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